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Eyeview Ethnic Trust

We share cultural diversity through digital and print media

Welcome to Eyeview Ethnic Trust

We have a dream that one day New Zealand will be held up as a global case study in how to truly embrace cultural diversity; that our small nation will be recognised for genuinely moving beyond racial prejudice and offering inclusivity for all, no matter where they come from or what they hold dear.

We believe New Zealand has what it takes, and we are committed to achieving it.

Think Diversity Magazine

The magazine consists of stories and thoughts on what diversity means to a number of Kiwis from all over New Zealand.

Think Diversity magazine brings together not only people of diverse ethnic backgrounds, but also careers, religions, cultures, values and so on. Our mission is to bring New Zealand’s diversity to life via print and digital media and, in doing so, to inspire our audiences to be more curious, more openminded and more engaged with their neighbours. We believe that understanding leads to empathy and that empathy leads to a whole host of other good things – compassion, harmony, inclusivity – that will contribute to making the world a better place.

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Funders and Supporters

We are very grateful to our funders and supporters for their help. It’s great to see organisations such as these committed to sharing cultural diversity.

Listen to our Podcasts

How can New Zealand be a place where all people can thrive? This is just one of the questions we are trying to answer in our podcast series. We interviewed five people from diverse backgrounds in Aotearoa – New Zealand about their journeys working with ethnic communities and their perspectives about inclusion in this country. Each episode tells a different story and experience, each rich in wisdom.

Listen to our

Eyeview Ethnic Podcasts are available on Spotify and I Heart Radio. We cover stories and topics unique to a wide range of ethnicities that grew up here in Aotearoa.

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